A. Background
Vocabulary is one of two sub skills in English skill. The essential of learning vocabulary because
of the benefits and the goals can help students improve their comprehension. According to Scott Thornbury (2002:13) without
grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed. It means that vocabulary is
very important to learn.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia
nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU
Sisdiknas) merumuskan fungsi
dan tujuan pendidikan
nasional yang harus digunakan
dalam mengembangkan upaya pendidikan di Indonesia. Pasal
3 UU Sisdiknas menyebutkan, “Pendidikan nasional
berfungsi mengembangkan dan membentuk watak
serta peradaban bangsa
yang bermartabat dalam
rangka mencerdaskan
kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan
untuk berkembangnya potensi
peserta didik agar menjadi
manusia yang beriman
dan bertakwa kepada
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
berakhlak mulia, sehat,
berilmu, cakap, kreatif,
mandiri, dan menjadi
warga negara yang demokratis
serta bertanggung jawab”
The objective of national education is a formula about
qualities Indonesian, which should develop by all of education unit. So, it’s based in developing education
characters. In teaching and learning
process should be applied education characters.
The teachers hope that lesson can be received and mastered
by the students. It is a problem because
all of the students have varieties in learning style and individual
unique. These problems make teachers
difficult in managing their class. It
causes the purpose of teaching and learning process does not success. That one
of way to minimize these problems uses media in teaching and learning
Therefore, the authors intended to conduct research in
using art as a model in teaching and learning process in elementary school
students, art will be studied is the art of wayang golek because it appropriate
with the government rules which must show the wisdom of the local culture. So as people of west java, the researcher take
west java culture that is wayang golek because it is considered appropriate to
the object that will be done in elementary school at Bandung, West Java.
So, the researcher will do the research which entitle “The
Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary based on Comic Wayang Golek” with
purpose this media can improve the students vocabulary mastery.
B. Research Problem Statement
As explained in the previous part, the students often find
difficulties in enquire vocabulary. In
this case the writers want to find out whether teaching English vocabulary
based on comic wayang golek is more effective than using conventional method
and whether teaching English vocabulary based on comic wayang golek can improve
the student’s achievement.
C. Problem Solving
There are many ways to finish this problem, but in this
research the writer try to comic Wayang Golek as a media in teaching and
learning process. The writer hopes with
using comic wayang golek can increase the student’s achievement in vocabulary
D. Research Objectives
General Objective
To find out the advantages of teaching vocabulary by using comic wayang
Specific Objective
To identify the response of students’ learning
by using comic wayang golek.
To know whether this media can improves
student’s ability in vocabulary mastery.
E. Research Benefit
The result of this research is expected to give
contribution to the learning and teaching English, for the writer, the
teachers, and also the students. The
writer hopes this media can improve teaching and learning process.
F. Theoretical Foundations
In this research there are many
theories which support this research. Such
According to oxford dictionary (2011:143) effective is producing the
result that is wanted or intended. Its
means an appropriate goal achievement from a set of alternatives or options and
determine how the choice of several options. So, effectiveness can also be interpreted as a
measure of success in achieving the objectives that have been determined.
Teaching and Learning Process
Teaching is a process in helping and guiding the students to
understanding something but learning is the process of enquiring knowledge. According to Douglas Brown in Principle of Language Learning and Teaching
(2007:8) “Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Teaching is guiding and facilitating
learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning”. So, teaching
and learning process is an interaction between teacher and students in getting and
enquiring knowledge based on the purpose.
According to oxford dictionary (2011:459) vocabulary is all the words
that a person knows or use. So, all the
word in language is vocabulary. Vocabulary is the first thing which should be
learned by the students. The students
cannot say anything without vocabulary in their mind.
Comic Wayang Golek
According to oxford dictionary (2011:83) comic is a musing and making you
laugh or series of drawings that tell a story and are often printed in a
newspaper. Its means that comic is an
art which uses series of picture and make a story.
According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia “Wayang golek adalah wayang yang dibuat
dari kayu biasanya berupa anak-anakan
atau boneka kayu”.
So, wayang golek is a performance art puppet which made from wood and
particular popular in tanah pasundan, especially Bandung – West Java.
Comic wayang golek is performing arts as outlined in the picture is an
image of wayang golek it self and make a series of story.
G. Hypothesis
The writer has hypotheses that
teaching English vocabulary using comic wayang golek can improve the students’
H. Research Method
Research method
The title of this research is The Effectiveness of Teaching English
Vocabulary based on comic Wayang Golek. So, the writer uses quantitative method with
experimental research.
For obtaining the data the instruments those are used:
It is the first stage of gathering data in the field for the research. The writer just observes to the school and
asks permission to them.
It is the second stage of gathering data to get the information that
students had known about wayang golek or not.
Pre Test
It is the third stage of gathering data to compare with the other data.
Post Test
It is the last
stage of gathering data to get the result.
The research will occur in Elementary School located around
Pasirjambu-Bandung, West Java. Therefore
the population is taken from there. The
populations are all students from six grades at SDN 3 Pasirjambu-Bandung, West
The sample that is used in the research is nonrandom sampling, with
purposive sampling method. It means that
the school has given that class to the writer, so the writer does not any
Research Procedure
Identification of the phenomenon to be studied
Identification of the participant in the study
Generation of hypothesis
Data collection
Data analysis
Drawing conclusion
Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching
(Fifth Edition). San Francisco: Pearson Longman.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
2008. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Edisi
Ketiga). Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Fraenkle, Jack R and Norman E
Wallen. 2009. How To Design and Evaluate
Research in Education (Seventh Edition). San Francisco: McGraw-Hill.
Oxford University. 2011. Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary (Fourth Edition). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. San Francisco:
Pearson Longman.
Tim Redaksi Fokusmedia. 2006. Himpunan Peraturan Perundang-undang tentang
Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bandung: Fokusmedia